Monday, May 18, 2015

A Surprise Trip to Oxford, Woodstock, And Blenheim Palace

Happy Monday. How was your weekend? I was just scrolling through the photos (again!) from my friends' visit last week and thinking about putting together a photobook of their trip to make the memories really last.

Before they arrived in London, I'd planned a surprise trip to Oxford, with a stay in Woodstock and visit to Blenheim Palace - just so we could get out of London and also so that they could have a sneak peek at what the English countryside is like.

I also wanted to show them around Oxford because it's a special place for me: I studied abroad there as an undergraduate at St. Catherine's College, which is where John and I met (and then subsequently held one of our two transatlantic wedding receptions!).

We stayed in sweet little town called Woodstock, which is about a 20-minute drive outside of Oxford, and where I prefer to stay when I'm visiting Oxford with friends or family. I chose it for its proximity to Blenheim Palace (one of my favorite places in the world!), and also for its quaint, village-feel.

I'd love to share some photos with you, if you'd like to see!

When we arrived in Woodstock, I was starving, so we dropped off our bags and sat down for some cream tea (and a tiffin bar for Deborah!) before taking the bus to Oxford city centre to explore some colleges and familiar sights, like the Radcliffe Camera, Sheldonian Theatre, and Bodleian Library.

It was hard to believe that John and I met here over 10 years ago!

If you're familiar with Oxford and haven't visited the Bodleian recently, the new Weston Library has just opened (it was covered in scaffolding during my and John's time there as students) and I am so glad that we stumbled in - the most amazing exhibition is on at the moment called, Marks of Genius, featuring original manuscripts and first folios by Jane Austen, Kafka, Donne, Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson and so, so much more. It's an English (and History) major's dream come true!

After spending far too much time gawking over the original letters that inspired The Wind in the Willows, we wandered to New College and admired their beautiful gardens and peaceful cloisters.

Even though it was the weekend, very few students were around, so we walked around in silence, listening to the breeze run through the trees. It was blissful.

The sky had been a little grey and threatening to rain, but by the time we'd left New College, it brightened up a bit, so we decided to ... go punting. Have you been before? I used to go with John and his friends in the summer, especially after exam time. We'd usually grab some Pimm's and snacks and grab boats from Magdalen College, spending all afternoon floating along the Cherwell.

I'd never fallen in, but did deliberately jump into the river once ... and had to be hoisted back into the boat by one of our friends!

John proved to be an expert punter that weekend, though we all had a try: Kara did pretty well, I kept steering us into the wall, and Deborah almost fell off - grabbing a tree branch (I kid you not!) to save herself. It was hilarious and stressful all at the same time. So glad that John was there to help! Otherwise, I'm not sure what kind of trouble we would have gotten ourselves into ... I think I was much better at doing this 10 years ago than I was last weekend.

After a yummy pub dinner, John had to go back to London for work the next day (boo!) but I stayed on with Deborah and Kara. We ate chocolate and cookies in bed until late and watched a movie before I finally decided to clamber into bed in my own room next door ... which is when the laughter started. I'm not sure who started what, but all I could hear was hysterical cackling coming through the walls next door in some kind of tag-team sychronization. Then I'd get a text telling me what happened and I'd start howling with laughter ... I'm really surprised that we didn't get a knock on the door from hotel management. We were all too hyper to sleep that night.

The next day, we ordered some sandwiches and took them to Blenheim Palace, where we also scored a student discount (YAAASSS!) on our tickets (not because we looked like students, mind you, but just because the ticket guy was being extra nice).

If you haven't been, Blenheim Palace (and its grounds) is one of those places that's picture perfect no matter where you look. I like to bring visitors from out of town, because I'm certain that there's really nothing quite like it anywhere else in the world. I've been about four or five times (the first was when John took me on my last day in Oxford all those years ago ... I remember it being such a happy but sad time all at once!) and it's just as magical every single time. I felt so grateful to be able to share the experience with my friends.

We walked until our feet were ready to fall off and managed to catch the local bus back to Oxford, where we took another bus back to London ... and snoozed on the way back.

It was the happiest time; the best time.

Have you ever planned a surprise trip for your friends or family? I'm the worst at keeping secrets! I almost gave the location away about 5 different times. Oops!


  1. How nice that you were able to show your friends the place where you studied and met your partner. I love Oxford, last time I visited was to see friends who were doing their Master's degree there. I've tried punting but I've never jumped in the river, you're brave!

    Suze | LuxuryColumnist

    1. Haha, I wouldn't recommend it, Suze (jumping in, that is!) ... I was 21 and idiotic! The water was warm (and not too disgusting after too many cups of Pimm's) though ... we had an unseasonably hot summer that year! xo

  2. I love that area of the world. My mum's side of the family is from there and it's always so picturesque and quaint. So very British too, I hope your friends loved it!

    1. No way, Charlie! That's so cool - I'd love to be from that area, so that I'd have an excuse to visit more often. Every time I go, I'm charmed all over again x

  3. Sounds like a lovely time with friends! I've been wanting to go to Blenheim Palace for ages, but always forget that it's actually closer than I think!

    1. Go, go, go!!!! As soon as the weather improves ... :D

  4. Beautiful photos. The weather looks surprisingly nice!

    Funny that you mention you had 2 transatlantic wedding receptions...we did too! So many of my family and friends couldn't make the trip to England for our wedding so we just held two huge parties afterwards. One in England and one back home. Best of both worlds! x

    1. Thank you, V! Yep, we eloped without any pomp or circumstance, then had the two receptions a few months later, where we revealed that we'd gotten married months before - ha! Even though we didn't have to plan a full scale wedding, the receptions were still stressful to organize ... thankfully, my mom and dad sorted everything out for me in Seattle, while I only had to deal with the Oxford party! Definitely the best of both worlds x

  5. Ohhh, thank you for sharing!! This makes me so excited for our trip to Oxford this August. Though my husband Corey and I have traveled around the English countryside, we've yet to visit Oxford! Just assuming that it's fantastic, we'll be bringing my brother along for the trip this time. Saving this post for ideas <3

    1. How exciting, Lauren! Feel free to email me if you need/want any other suggestions! I have some favorite spots in town :) xo

  6. Gorgeous photos, as always. We haven't been to Blenheim in years (probably July 2005 to see Rod Stewart), although The Brainy One did recently suggest we go back. We like The Bear hotel in Woodstock for an overnighter. The Brainy One did his DPhil at Oxford (LMH), so it's a city with strong ties for us, too.

    1. Thanks so much for saying so, Ruth. We stayed at The Bear this time! I thought it was okay (hotel was nice but service wasn't very impressive), so didn't really feel like mentioning it. It's a good place for an overnighter, I agree. I stayed at a very sweet B&B with my dad when I took him there for a visit a few years ago, but I think it's since closed, which is really sad. So glad to hear that it's a city with strong ties for you too!

  7. I've been to Oxford quite a few times, and just love it but I've never been to Blenheim Palace and I'm absolutely gagging to go. We have it quietly penciled in for sometime this summer.... hopefully!

    1. Omg, you HAVE to go Frankie! It's ridiculously beautiful ... I can't even begin to describe it. If you do go, make sure you enter via the back/Woodstock gate, rather than the front ... it's the lesser-used entrance, but so much lovelier, in my opinion! xo

  8. Replies
    1. So much fun, Annmaree! Wishing I was there today, instead of at work ... sigh.

  9. Looks like such a wonderful trip, and I love the idea of a surprise getaway! I've never done that before but I'll definitely keep it in mind for the future...great idea!

    1. It's funny, because I love surprises (i.e. surprising people) but I am THE WORST at keeping them secret. I just get WAY too excited!

  10. This is such a lovely surprise!!! Beautiful photos as always Jaime - sounds like you had a great few days! So nice that you were able to show your friends what is obviously such a special place! xxx

  11. I've never been to Oxford, but it looks so beautiful and quaint and relaxing. I should look into a day trip or something during the summer. I always enjoy an excuse to get out of the city, especially when the weather's fine!

    1. You totally should, Sorcha! We always take the Oxford Tube bus instead of the train ... it's a little easier to get to for us, and more enjoyable. Super convenient as well, since it drops you off at multiple occasions in Oxford & London. And agreed: time away from the city is good for the soul.

  12. I LOVE Woodstock, and you've captured some wonderful photos of it, as well as Oxford :-) What a lovely trip down memory lane. Want to hear more about the story of when you jumped into the river while punting on purpose!! I very nearly fell in the last time I went punting on the Cherwelll...but mainly because I was so hungover!!

    Polly xx

    1. It's the sweetest place, Polly, and I have nothing but good memories there ... first, when John took me all those years ago, then for a visit with my dad, and this time with my friends. I love it.

      HAHA ... the river thing ... it was a hot summer's day and I was feeling adventurous! xx

  13. Ahhh...I've stayed in Woodstock, one of my friends got married around there, so cute!
    Lots of love,

    SilverSpoon London


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