Monday, January 25, 2016

Travel Talk: The Sisterhood of World Bloggers

A bit like the sisterhood of travelling pants, but blogger-related instead. Gianni of acrossthehogsback nominated me for this blogging chain (thank you!) Whether you're a blogger or not, I hope you'll find at least some of my answers interesting! (I've also taken the liberty of rephrasing some of them - oops!)

Your all-time favorite destination?

So difficult, but I think it's a tie between Thailand and Sri Lanka. I know I'm cheating by not picking one, but Thailand is like Disneyland for adults: luxurious pool villas, white sand beaches, crystal clear blue water, hour-long massages for something like £12 and pad thai to my heart's content ... what's not to love? 

And Sri Lanka is just ... magical. There is so, so much to do and explore, but since we were only there for a week, it didn't feel like we had enough time to see everything we'd wanted to. I'd love to go back and explore the Cultural Triangle, for example, and visit the tea plantations. I loved everything about Sri Lanka: the people, the culture, the food, and the scenery. Gorgeous beaches (seeing a theme here?) and unbelieveable wildlife.

Which post are you most proud of?

That post is still in draft, and I haven't had the guts to publish it yet. One day. 

Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?

A bunch of (mostly) old, (mostly) white men, basically:

- Sir David Attenborough, who wrote me back when I wrote to him when I was in college, and who sent us a lovely handwritten letter for our wedding (yes, really);

- Squadron Leader Geoffrey Wellum, DFC, who wrote this incredible book about his experience in the RAF during World War II, and who also replied with the kindest letter when I wrote to him after reading said book;

- Poet Derek Walcott, whose poetry about the post-colonial Caribbean experience was the basis of my undergraduate thesis, and who I met at the Globe Theatre last year;

- Author and poet Sherman Alexie, who's also from Seattle (or, like me, roughly from Seattle) and whose work I've admired for many, many years. And who once told me at a book signing that he knew exactly how to spell my name because "his best friend spelled it the same way too";

- My dad, because he'd love to chat with all of the above;

- John, because he'd also love to chat with all of the above;

- Also, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie because she writes, thinks, speaks, and dresses beautifully. And is beautiful. And is so, so intelligent. And because 'Americanah' was the best book I'd read in a long, long time.

So, a pretty eclectic mix, I think.

(Btw, if you think my answers are bizarre, I asked John the same question while writing this post and his answers were: "Julius Caesar, Henry VIII, Thomas Cromwell [but not sitting next to each other], and Abraham Lincoln.")

Do you have a favorite travel app?

Instagram. I love capturing the memories of my travels in snapshots and sharing them with my friends and family.

What's your favorite and least favorite thing about blogging?

Favorite: your comments. I love them. Every single one.

Least favorite: the bullshit. Those of you who know, know.

Is there anything in particular that you like to do when you visit somewhere new?

I love getting up to the highest point - whether it's a rooftop bar or the top of a clocktower or a trek up a hill (notice I said "hill" and not "mountain" - gotta draw the line somewhere) and surveying my surroundings below. It puts things in perspective for me.

Which destination have you visited that has surprised you the most? 

Vietnam. I started out curious in Ho Chi Minh City, became a little overwhelmed during a train ride from HCMC to Da Nang, and ended up falling in love with Hanoi after a rocky introduction. I remember being really panicked and irritated by the traffic in Hanoi (there aren't really any sidewalks and motorbikes whizz past you in a constant stream in high speed, leaving about a centimeter between your ankles and their wheels) and having a full-blown argument with John on the street because I was getting so anxious. Then I went back to the hotel, had a bit of an attitude adjustment, and sat outside with the locals until midnight drinking beer. After I relaxed a bit and went with the flow, I enjoyed myself much, much more. Hanoi made me feel alive. It had such a terrific verve.

What's your pet peeve?

In general? People who are unkind. It takes more effort to be rude than to be kind, so be nice.

What's your most treasured possession? 

Right now, it's my Olympus PEN camera. I got an additional lens for Christmas and I love using it, especially when I travel. It's a bit of a cheat from the Canon DSLR we have, but I can't resist its easy-to-use functions, and I'd be lying if I didn't admit to also loving it for aesthetic reasons ...

Thanks so much for nominating me, Gianni! This was fun. I'm tagging three of my favorite travel bloggers: Rebecca, Sandy, and Chiara.



  1. Great, post, I like your answers.
    I want an Olympus Pen E-PL6 so bad, but I can't get myself to buy it because I'm super cheap.

    1. Haha, thank you, Farrah! Oh my gosh, tell me about it ... I spent over a YEAR debating whether or not to buy it ... I think they have sales on Amazon a lot, so maybe wait for one of those! :) I think I bought mine when it was on sale at John Lewis.

  2. Sri Lanka and Thailand are REALLY high on my travel wish list for this year... Really hoping to make a visit to one and/or the other while I'm based in India for the next couple of months as they're super close!

    1. You must, Ayushi! My best friend is in Bangalore right now and was going to pop over to Sri Lanka for an extended holiday but sadly didn't have enough time ... me, on the other hand, I would LOVE to visit India! Reading your blog and looking at your photos on Instagram have induced MAJOR wanderulst envy!

  3. I just love Thailand too! Sri Lanka one day!

    1. Thailand is the ultimate. You'd love Sri Lanka too!

  4. Ooooo what lens did you get?! I really want a decent one for zoom purposes before I go away but they're so damn pricey. My fave thing to do when I arrive somewhere new is to walk. I just wander until I get my bearings and I find so much that way!

    1. Hey Charlie, it's the Olympus M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 45mm f/1.8G Standard Lens - I think it's on sale for only £90 on John Lewis atm! It's perfect for zoom. x

  5. Jaime, I loved this post! Made me smile so much reading it :) Would love to hear your David Attenborough story one day! And let's just go back to Sri Lanka. I crave it at least once a day. And I do mean crave! Though I neeeeed to get my bum to Thailand one day; one day!

    Lauren xx | The Lifestyle Diaries

    1. Haha, thanks hun. Glad you liked it :) I love, love, love David Attenborough. He is so lovely. I want to go back to Sri Lanka!!! And I can't believe you haven't been to Thailand yet - it was made for you! xx

  6. I hope we get to read the post you're most proud of one day :) But even if we don't, you've bravely shared a lot of yourself here already and I'm glad I got to read those posts. Great answers!

    1. Thank you, Gianni! Your support has meant so much to me. I mean it. I really appreciate all your thoughtful comments and kindness.

  7. Great post, I love these things! I have one of those unpublished ones too, I know when I want to use it, one day...

    1. Thanks so much, Anna! It's a funny thing, blogging. On one hand, I want to share so badly. On the other, I'm scared of sharing too much - of my heart, of myself. You know?

  8. And now why I understand why we're all swooning over Attenborough on Twitter!! Very fun post! :)

    1. BAHAHAHAHA. I can't believe John said Abraham Lincoln would be his dream dinner guest.

  9. Great answers, Jaime :) Totally agree on the traffic/lack of control in Hanoi - the first few times I attempted to cross the road, I really freaked out! At least they slow down to swerve around you, unlike in Italy or Greece where the cars just refuse to stop...:) xx

    1. Thank you, Tamsin! Yes, I realized after a while that the drivers would naturally accommodate me ... but it certainly didn't feel like that the first few times around! I could handle crossing the street in HCMC, but for some reason, when I got to Hanoi, I just freaked out. xx

  10. Your dinner party sounds great as you real ties to the people you would invite and would be able to talk coherently with them. I am sure if I picked it would be people that I would just sit and stare at to afraid to talk!

    1. Haha, I'm sure I'd just sit there and stare too, Bailie! I'm such a fan girl. :D

  11. I was in Thailand last week and LOVED it, I'd love to visit Sri Lanka one day, and Vietnam is on my list for 2017!

    C x | Lux Life

    1. SO jealous, Catherine - it is one of my all-time favorite destinations! Sri Lanka is wonderful, and Vietnam is terrific too - love SE Asia!

  12. ALL about Thailand too Jaime - nothing beats a real pad Thai, although you're being ripped off with those £12 massages ;) I hope you're well and look forward to reading this top secret post! Lots of love, Andrea xxx

    Andrea's Passions

  13. hahahha i lOVE your dinner guest list! it is so *you*! mine would be oprah, ellen, jk rowling, roald dahl, and probably you so we could LOL about everything later!

    1. I read this on my way out of a tube station a few weeks ago and LOL'd the whole way up the escalator.

  14. Yes! The highest point! I've found a nice collection of people who feel the same :)

  15. 988D68AB12JazminEC932977E7November 26, 2024 at 9:33 AM



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