I know it's Tuesday already, but ... how was your weekend? On Saturday, John and I woke up early to go to Spitalfields Market because we wanted to browse the market for art and homeware ... as well as a new wedding ring for John, since he lost his last weekend! Has that ever happened to you?
So, funny story: when we were shopping for wedding bands, John tried on bands from various places, but felt uneasy wearing an expensive ring since he knew he'd take it on and off a lot (and he has a penchant for losing things!). We ended up buying one from a market stall in Spitalfields instead! It was sterling silver and just a simple, silver band, but we always enjoyed re-telling the tale of how it was sold to us, because I asked the owner which rings were men's rings and he began to pick up several different rings while repeating, "A man could wear this ... a man could wear this ... a man could wear THIS ..." After a while, we got the picture.
Sadly, the same man and his stall were gone (as were any stalls selling silver rings for that matter, so do let me know if you know a good one!), but we did duck into Bishopsgate Kitchen for a quick breakfast.
Have you been to this restaurant before? It was surprisingly quiet on a Saturday morning, which I was thankful for. Retro toasters line a long communal table in the middle and the rest of the seats are decked out in vintage leather and reclaimed wood. The space is bright and airy because of the enormous windows - I could have stayed for longer if we hadn't wanted to beat the crowd!
I ordered a flat white and some delicious toast with preserves, but John went for the smashed avocado and poached eggs on toast, which looked amazing. Definitely a little heartier than your typical smashed avo on toast!
From there, we stopped off to buy a bike helmet for me (we later bought a bike so that I could go with John for off-road cycling adventures in Epping Forest ... me + off-road = not friends, but I'm trying to keep an open mind!) and made our way towards Shoreditch, passing The Commercial Tavern, which we used to frequent when we lived in Whitechapel.
It definitely looks different today! The whole area is so gentrified now compared to what it was 8 years ago ... dozens of people were walking around with cameras, snapping photos of street art and Pinterest-worthy cafés ... we were stopped by a man with a Scouse accent, asking if indie record label and store Sister Ray was nearby (nope, in Soho!).
After picking out a few things for our wishlist at SCP and walking away with a glugglefish pitcher (which I'll share with you soon!), we stopped off for a glass of overpriced Moroccan tea and very dry cake at a nearby market that was just setting up.
I tried out second-hand bikes at Wood Street station when we got back and finally settled on one which I felt comfortable on ... I haven't been on a bike since I was about 14! Do you own one?
It was the first Saturday we had that didn't revolve around putting together furniture or manic trips to IKEA (although we were back in Homebase the next day - ha!) and I really, really enjoyed it. There's something about getting up early and beating the crowds, before retiring home around lunchtime for a siesta that really makes the weekend a weekend, you know?
I'm all about the naps, people.